OMniLeads deploy

Before proceeding with the installation, it is recommended to read and understand (Arquitecture and Components).

As described in the architecture section, each component has a potentially usable install script like provisioner at the creation time of the Linux virtual machine, that will host the component in matter. Also, it is feasible to run it in self-hosted mode when deploying the component on a Linux host, i.e. pouring the content of first_boot_installer.tpl over bash-script located in the virtual machine to be deployed, adjusting the variables and finally launching its execution.

Therefore, we have different ways to reach the goal of installing OMniLeads, some fully automated, and others within a traditional scheme based on running an installation script manually.


Linux distributions for which compatibility is guaranteed are CentOS7-Minimal and Amazon Linux 2.

Next, we consider different scenarios corresponding to available formats.

Deploy de OMniLeads Onpremise

OMniLeads can run like a traditional application, deploying one installation of all components on a single host. To this type of Installation, we call it OMniLeads AIO (All In One).


También, podemos separar los componentes de manera tal que puedan ser ejecutados como servicios aislados corriendo sobre hosts dedicados. Ésto significa que se puede aislar componentes sobre hosts dedicados con el fin de plantear una operación más robusta y resiliente, ya que entre otras ventajas, permite aislar/resguardar datos persistentes como grabaciones de llamadas, base de datos, y demas utilizando S3 object storage o bien NFS.

<<<<<<< HEAD Aprovechando el hecho de que cualquier infraestructura onpremise cuenta con la posibilidad de virtualizar instancias de linux, asi como tambien la sencillez que implica obtener una instancia cloud linux (vía web o API) y aprovisionar la misma en el instante posterior al boot, se debe considerar el despliegue por defecto en cluster de componentes OMniLeads.


En esta sección se cubre el despliegue onpremise: about_install_linux.

Aprovechando el hecho de que cualquier infraestructura onpremise cuenta con la posibilidad de virtualizar instancias de linux, asi como tambien la sencillez que implica obtener una instancia cloud linux (vía web o API) y aprovisionar la misma en el instante posterior al boot, se debe considerar el despliegue por defecto en cluster de componentes OMniLeads.


En esta sección se cubre el despliegue sobre instancias linux onpremise: Deployment Execution on Linux instances. >>>>>>> develop

Deploy de OMniLeads Onpremise Alta Disponibilidad

OMniLeads puede ser desplegado bajo un esquema de alta disponibilidad con redundancia en todos sus componentes. <<<<<<< HEAD


En esta sección se cubre el despliegue en cluster de Alta Disponibilidad: Deploy de OMniLeads Onpremise en Alta Disponibilidad.


En esta sección se cubre el despliegue en cluster de Alta Disponibilidad: Deploy de OMniLeads Onpremise en Alta Disponibilidad.

Deploy de OMniLeads sobre Digital Ocean

En esta seccion se cubre la instalacion de la aplicacion aprovechando las ventajas de la nube de Digital Ocean.

>>>>>>> develop

OMniLeads Deployment based on Terraform

As of OMniLeads version 1.16, it is possible to use Terraform to deploy OMniLeads on some specific cloud infraestructures. This list of providers will increase in the future thanks to the community contribution.

For those of you unfamiliar with Terraform and interested in this topic, we leave a link to documentation. Terraform allows us to code a deployment. In terms of Terraform, we can define a deployment of OMniLeads, such as the following set of actions:

  • Infrastructure networking configuration.
  • Creation of virtual machines, DB clusters, load balancers.
  • OMnileads Deployment and its components on virtual machines
  • Application of security settings.
  • Generation of SSL certificates and URL access for users.

So you can just set a variable file and then launch a command (terraform apply), and in a matter of minutes you can have an OMniLeads “as a Service” deployment ready to use. Users can start operating from anywhere.


The deployment of the Jitsi Meet, WombatDialer and MySQL components is configurable according to the needs of the campaign configuration regarding predictive and/or video call features.

The approach of deploying infrastructure cloud, allows us to fully automate the generation of a subscriber to the Contact Center Service in the cloud.


Below the list of current supported public clouds: