Preview campaigns creation

To create a new preview campaign you must enter the menu item Preview Campaigns -> New Campaign.

The first view invites us to indicate a series of campaign parameters, as indicated in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Campaigns parameters

  • Name: campaign name
  • Contact database: contact database that the preview dialer will use when delivering on demand contacts to each agent.
  • External system: external CRM system linked to launch click to call actions or dispositions on campaign contacts, through the API.
  • ID on external system: this field must containe the ID of the campaignin the external system from where the click to call or contact disposition requests will be triggered.
  • Type of interaction: sets if the campaign will work with OMniLeads forms or make a request to the CRM for each connected call.
  • External URL: in case of selecting an external URL interaction, this fields sets wich CRMs must the campaign trigger.
  • Enable recordings: Enable all campaign calls to be recorded.
  • Outbound Routes: An existing outbound route is assigned to an campaign.
  • CID on Outbound Routes: This field must contain the CID assigned for an existing outbound route to a campaign.
  • Scope: it is defined as the amount of engaged dispositions expected for the campaign. In the campaign monitoring, the percentage of the campaign’s arrival with respect to the defined objective is shown in real time.
  • Disconection time: time that the preview dialer reserves a contact assigned to an agent, after that time the contact is released so that it can be sued by another agent.

On the second screen you must assign the dispositions that are required as available to the agents when classifying each call to each contact.


Figure 2: Call dispositions

Then it remains to assign the supervisors and agents who can work on the campaign. An assignment of agents to a campaign is exemplified in Figures 3 and 4.


Figure 3: supervisor assignment


Figure 4: agent assignment

Finally, in the final wizard step is allowed, optionally realize a pre-assignation of contacs to agents. This operation can be made using two variants

The fist way is shown in the next figure:


Asignación de contactos

If the user select the assign proportionally option, the system will make an initial assignation of contacts to agents on the same proportion allowing send to the current agent only from his lists of pre-assigned contacts or free contactos. See this distribution on Django admin in the following picture.


At the moment of select the proportionally pre-assignation the system shows the random selection


This option allows that the contacts could be assigned in random order to the agents, as is shown next:


Finally our campaign is available to start operating. Therefore, when the agents assigned to it perform a login to the platform, they should have the preview campaign as shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: Preview agents view

Agent-campaign interaction

If an agent clicks on the phone then the call is triggered, the data (extras to the phone) of the called contact is displayed, in the agent view allowing the agent to classify the call with any of the ratings assigned to the campaign.


Figure 6: Contact called

Campaign with Multinum database

As we know, OMniLeads admits that each contact of a database has n telephone numbers, so that if the contact is not found in its main number (the first of our database CSV file), it can be contacted at the other phone numbers. In this case, each telephone number (which we indicate in the database load) is generated as a link within the contact data presented on the agent screen. Clicking on that link triggers a call to the extra telephone number of the contact. Figure 11 shows this scenario.


Figure 7: Multinum contact database

Therefore, the agent can try to contact all available numbers as a link in the contact form, until finally selecting a disposition and moving to a new one.

Management of contacts assignments

Once the campaing is created the available contacts for every agent will be assign following an order established on the model AgenteEnContacto, this feature allows edit that order using the exportation/importation of .csv files

La idea es que el administrador puede descargarse el orden actual de contactos hacia un archivo .csv, reordenar las filas y luego importar dicho archivo con lo cual el nuevo orden se impacte en el orden de la asignación de contactos a agentes en la campaña.

This feature is accessible using the preview campaign menu

See figures 8 and 9


Figure 8: Access to reorder contacts assignments page


Figure 9: Reorder contacts assignments page

Also, is possible to tag contacts as disabled, which will not delivered to any agent

This is posible by defining a deactivation field for the campaign choosing between the data colums in contacts database

Figure 10: Deactivation contacts field


After make current contacts order exportation is possible to edit the deactivation field column with values 0 or FALSE wich, after importation of.csv file will indicates to the system to not deliver this contacts to any agent.Any other value different to 0 or FALSE makes the system can deliver the contact.